Kent NHS Trust Secure Hospital Sofa Restoration

Project: NHS Sofa Restoration
Where: Kent
Who: Kent NHS Trust Secure Hospital

Fifteen months after their purchase, the pale green sofas at the Trust began to show significant signs of wear and tear. Despite the substantial investment made in acquiring these pieces, the Trust was unable to replace them due to budget constraints. Unfortunately, the warranty provided with the furniture was rendered null and void, allegedly due to the manner in which the sofas were being used. By the time the sofas reached four years of age, they were in such a poor condition that they were deemed unusable.

That’s when we stepped in. Our team completely stripped down and rebuilt the sofas, transforming them from deteriorating assets into durable and comfortable furniture. Not only did we restore them, but we also provided a fresh 10-year warranty, ensuring peace of mind for the Trust.

Now, the blue and grey models have been in use for the same duration as the original furniture and remain in pristine condition, just as good as the day they were refurbished.

This case clearly illustrates the enormous savings to the NHS. By opting to refurbish rather than replace inferior-quality suites every four years, the Trust avoids the cycle of substandard comfort and financial strain. Investing in quality refurbishment extends the life of the furniture and ensures consistent comfort for many years to come.